
  • David Harris Chairman

    01803 770398 07790782705
  • Tim Moseley Vice Chair - I moved back to the village with my wife and two daughters in 2015 after 25 years away. I am retired after 42 years in the shipping industry. I enjoy contributing to village community life and helping to preserve the environment. Spare time is taken up with reading, gardening and walking the dog.

    01803 770729
  • Jack Handley Councilor

    07455 897740
  • Councillor Phil Elliot

    Phil Elliott Councilor

  • John Belli Councilor

    07538 156864
  • Jay Floyd Councilor - I live in the village with my wife and two children having settled here in 2005. I work full time in Fraud and Financial Crime prevention primarily working with banks around the world. I'm passionate about keeping Stoke Fleming a great place to live and visit having special interests in the community and social media. In my spare time I love getting out on the water with my paddle board, enjoying local beaches and spending time with family and friends.

  • Tilly Crowther Councilor